Community Shares:
Shares in RSBS are £1 each. The minimum shareholding is 25 shares (£25). The maximum shareholding is 100 shares.
I wish to apply for community shares in Roam Scotland Bikepacking Society Ltd (RSBS) under the terms of the RSBS Membership Offer document v1.1 300524.
Please first select your payment option below as the process for registration varies.
- Roam Scotland Bikepacking Society Limited
Co-operative Bank Business, PO Box 250, Skelmersdale, WN8 6WT.
Sort Code 08-92-99 Account No 67345465
International: IBAN GB97 CPBK 0892 9967 3454 65 or BIC/SWIFT CPBK GB22
Account address if needed: 17 Granby Road, Edinburgh EH16 5NP
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