Roam Scotland Bikepacking Society

What is the RS Bikepacking Society? It’s a charitable society of riders dedicated to increasing access to self-supported group bikepacking.  The society builds the routes, puts together the ride guides and coordinates the group rides.

The society:

  • is a kind of charity, a community benefit society
  • is democratically run
  • raises money from memberships and donations


Come join us and pitch in to keep Roam Scotland rolling. As you’ll become a member-shareholder, membership is lifelong, with no annual fee.

Even if you can only do a wee bit now and again, we’d love to have you turn the cranks with us to help others follow in our tyre tracks. And there are special members benefits too…

For less  than the price of one good gravel tyre, you’ll get:

  • Priority entry to all RS rides
  • Access to all RS Ride Guides
  • A society badge thingy!
  • Accesss to our WhatsApp Community to keep in touch
  • Easy Access to all RS tested and provisional routes  & premium route building tools on our RidewithGPS club account.
  • The democratic power to elect trustees & influence the direction of RSBS
  • The reward of spreading the joy of group bikepacking!”

Here’s some more info:

Join us!

Becoming a Member-Shareholder of Roam Scotland Bikepacking Society limited involves completing the application form and buying your shares. Please ensure you have read the documents above, and if you want to dig into more detail…

Any questions or doubts, please get in touch on or explore this website about community benefit societies.